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Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 696, Issue 2,
Pages 165-352 (14 April 1995)

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Theoretical interpretation of the retention of system peaks in partition chromatography with a mobile phase containing electrolytes, Pages 165-172
Masami Shibukawa
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (417 K)

Preparation and application of an (S)-naproxen chiral stationary phase, Pages 173-183
Ho Hyun Myung, Jae Cho Yoon, Ryoo Jae-Jeong, Kyu Jyung Kyung and Suk Heo Gwi
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (652 K)

Effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate as stationary phase on signal intensities of dansylamino acids in microcolumn liquid chromatography with on-column fluorimetric detection, Pages 185-192
Toyohide Takeuchi and Tomoo Miwa
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (398 K)

Normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with relay gradient elution I. Description of the method, Pages 193-199
Laszlo R. Treiber
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (388 K)

Trace determination of aromatic amines or phenolic compounds in dyestuffs by high-performance liquid chromatography with on-line preconcentration, Pages 201-208
Lu Chung-ShinHuang Shang-Da
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (362 K)

Separation and identification of hydrophilic peptides in dairy products using FMOC derivatization, Pages 209-217
J. M. Roturier, D. Le Bars and J. C. Gripon
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (405 K)

Purification of antigenized immunoglobulins derivatized with monomethoxypolyethylene glycol, Pages 219-225
T. -D. Brumeanu, H. Zaghouani and C. Bona
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (455 K)

Limitations of ion chromatography with post-column reaction for determination of heavy metals in waters containing strong chelating agents, Pages 227-234
M. Teresa Vasconcelos and Carlos A. R. Gomes
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (430 K)

Dual vapor and liquid injector for gas chromatography, Pages 235-244
Labib Ghaoui and L. Shayne Green
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (478 K)

Mechanism of sulfur emission quenching in flame photometric detectors, Pages 245-256
Lev Kalontarov, Hongwu Jing, Aviv Amirav and Sergey Cheskis
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (748 K)

Extraction-gas chromatographic method for the determination of organophosphorus compounds as lubricating oil additives, Pages 257-263
Albertine E. Habboush, Sabri M. Farroha and Hussain I. Khalaf
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (297 K)

Binding of anticancer drugs to human serum albumin studied by reversed-phase chromatography, Pages 265-272
Esther Forgács and Tibor Cserháti
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (336 K)

Parameters controlling the elution window and retention factors in micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography, Pages 273-284
P. G. H. M. Muijselaar, H. A. Claessens and C. A. Cramers
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (612 K)

Calculation of the composition of sample zones in capillary zone electrophoresis II. Simulated electropherograms, Pages 285-294
J. L. Beckers
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (580 K)

Determination of hyaluronan and galactosaminoglycan disaccharides by high-performance capillary electrophoresis at the attomole level. Applications to analyses of tissue and cell culture proteoglycans, Pages 295-305
Nikos K. Karamanos, Susanna Axelsson, Peter Vanky, George N. Tzanakakis and Anders Hjerpe
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (640 K)

Effect of high concentrations of salts in samples on capillary electrophoresis of anions, Pages 307-319
Song Liguo, Ou Qingyu, Yu Weile and Xu Guifang
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (712 K)

Application of capillary zone electrophoresis with an isotachophoretic initial state to determine anionic impurities on as-polished silicon wafer surfaces, Pages 321-332
J. Boden, K. Bächmann, L. Kotz, L. Fabry and S. Pahlke
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (510 K)

Rapid liquid chromatographic screening of organic micropollutants in aqueous samples using a single short column for trace enrichment and separation, Pages 333-340
W. A. Minnaard, J. Slobodník, J. J. Vreuls, K. -P. Hupe and U. A. Th. Brinkman
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (422 K)

Quantitative determination of organic solvents by capillary electrophoresis using indirect UV detection, Pages 341-348
K. D. Altria and J. S. Howells
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (396 K)

Separation of fast anions by capillary electrophoresis without flow reversal, Pages 349-352
G. W. Tindall and R. L. Perry
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (237 K)


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